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Aharon Hakohen making Shalom Bayis |
1.79MB |
7:20 |
Aish & Mayim, Ahavah & Yirah; Yaakov Avinu & Kibbuv Av V'eim (taken from M.E.P. Vayigash, 5770) |
3.03MB |
12:31 |
Always Looking with a Good Eye |
180KB |
0:39 |
Amchinover Rebba's Humility |
566KB |
2:15 |
Ameilus B'torah & Producing Results (taken from Behar-Bechukosai 5770) |
1.76MB |
7:10 |
Avodah of a Soldier- Being Mekareiv Others & Living with Hashem |
358KB |
1:23 |
Avodah of a Soldier- Saving Hashem's Malchus & Helping Other Yidin |
1.06MB |
4:19 |
Avodah of Eating Properly & the Proper Outlook on Resteraunts and Eating Out (taken from M.A. Shelach, 1st Piece, 5772) |
754KB |
3:02 |
Avodas Achilah- Being Ma'aleh the Kedusha (taken from Tazria 5770) |
4.18MB |
17:17 |
Avodas Hatefilah- Davening in order to Serve Hashem Better (taken from Pesach 5771- Father-Son Relationship) |
462KB |
1:49 |
Bava Basra- Perek Yeish Nochlin |
179KB |
0:38 |
Big Difference Between Torah & Tefillah; Being a Good Davener; Tefillah in Galus (taken from M.A. Bo, 2nd Piece, 5772) |
2.25MB |
9:16 |
Birs Milah, Chodesh Elul- Feeling the Ahavah even in the Yirah |
3.05MB |
12:36 |
Blessing Children to be like Ephraim & Menashe |
1.01MB |
4:07 |
Breaking through the Tzimtzumin & the Katnus (taken from M.E.P. Devarim 5770) |
1.23MB |
4:57 |
Bringing the Torah & the Mikdash wherever we are; Eating Properly (taken from Vayikra 5770) |
969KB |
3:53 |
Bris Milah- Ahavah & Yirah Together (taken from M.E.P. Vayigash, 5770) |
508KB |
1:58 |
Chanukas Habayis (& Chanuka)- The Yesod of a Bayis & of Chanuka |
869KB |
3:31 |
Chanukas Habayis- Bringing the Kedusha Downwards; Yesod of a Bayis |
609KB |
2:26 |
Chanukas Habayis- Living B'kevius in Avodas Hashem; Shabbos, Torah, & Milah (taken from M.E.P. Vayigash, 5771) |
5.23MB |
21:40 |
Chanukas Habayis- Potential of a Yiddisha Home |
536KB |
2:07 |
Chashivus of Chassidish Ma'ases (Yiddish) (Purim Seudah 5770) |
149KB |
0:31 |
Chashivus of Every Yid; Meseches Sanhedrin (taken from M.A. Yisro, Last Piece, 5772) |
1.40MB |
5:43 |
Chizuk by Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel's Levaya |
1.03MB |
4:12 |
Chizuk for Women who take care of Children at home |
737KB |
2:58 |
Chodesh Av & Yartzeits |
689KB |
2:46 |
Connecting Torah & Tefilla, Semichus Geula L'Tefila- Hiskashrus to Hashem (taken from M.E.P. Shemos (3rd Piece), 5770) |
609KB |
2:26 |
Connecting to the Sheim Havayah, the Mekor Hachaim; Yiras Haromemus, Mesiras Nefesh; Chanuka (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 78) |
6.72MB |
27:54 |
Da'as & Hiskashrus to Tzadikim & to Hashem through Torah (taken from Shevat 5770 & M.E.P. Shemos (3rd Piece), 5770) |
1.64MB |
6:40 |
Davening by the Kever of a Tzaddik- Death is a New Beginning; A Tzaddik Brings Out the Nitzchius of Everything (5774) |
3.87MB |
16:06 |
Deeper Meaning behind an Upshein & giving a Child Payos (taken from M.A. Ramazei Lag B'omer, 1st Piece, 5772) |
724KB |
2:54 |
Deeper Understanding Behind Lechem & Hamotzi- Being Mamtik the Dinim (taken from Naso 5770) |
1.46MB |
5:55 |
Deeper Understanding behind Torah Lishmah & Pilpulim- Being M'sakein the Malchus (parts taken from Shavuous 5770) |
1.51MB |
6:12 |
Dovid Hamelech & Sefer Tehilim; Inyan of Malchus- Everything has a Chiyus; E'ven Ma'asu Habonim |
2.38MB |
9:48 |
End of Year Shmooz (5764) |
4.78MB |
19:49 |
Euphrates River & Mitzrayim- Why they don't have Rain |
660KB |
2:38 |
E'ven Ma'asu Ha'bonim- E'ven is an Ois, Bonim is a Word- The Kedusha of Every Word of Torah |
411KB |
1:36 |
Feeling Connected in our Life & making our own personal Yichudim (taken from M.A. Vayeitzei, 1st Piece, 5772) |
775KB |
3:07 |
Feeling our Deep Connection to Hashem in all Situations; Shir Hashirim & Netilas Yadayim (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 30) |
4.47MB |
18:30 |
Feeling the Kedushas Hatorah during Learning & the Avodah of Birurim while learning Nigleh |
5.07MB |
21:00 |
Fighting Klipas Yishmael |
916KB |
3:42 |
Gadlus of Reb Shimon & Meiron- Connecting to the Pureness within Ourselves (Bringing Children to Meiron) (5774) |
2.33MB |
9:41 |
Gaining & Learning from Talmidim & the Ma'aleh of a Mevakeish (Talmidim's Sheva Brachos for Rav Zucker's daughter) |
862KB |
3:29 |
Gemara End of Kiddushin, Tefillin (5762) (beg. very low) |
4.95MB |
20:30 |
Geshmak in Gemara- Every Difficulty in Life has an Ohr hidden Inside it |
289KB |
1:06 |
Giving Shevach to Hashem when Becoming a Choson; Avodah of a Choson is Torah (5764) |
498KB |
1:58 |
Greatness of Humility; Yirah & Anavah (taken from M.A. Behar, 3rd Piece, 5772) |
1.43MB |
5:52 |
Guarding Our Tongue- Bris Milah & Lashon (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 21) |
1.04MB |
4:14 |
Helping another Yid- The Greatest Yichud (taken from M.E.P. Vayigash, 5770) |
436KB |
1:40 |
Ikar Malchus- Revealing Hashem in the World; Har Sinai & Har Hamoriah |
653KB |
2:37 |
Introduction to Meseches Zevachim- Everyone's real Ratzon is Lishmah and to do good |
891KB |
3:36 |
Inyan of Going to a Kever of a Tzadik; Kever Rashbi; Through Torah a Person is Alive; Yesod of Nega'im & Ohalos (5774) |
1.83MB |
7:36 |
Inyan of Going to See a Tzaddik (5774) |
1.33MB |
5:31 |
Inyan of Hoada'ah- Thanking Hashem & Living with the Nitzchius of the Shem Hava'ya (Rav Zucker's Seudas Hoada'ah- Toldos 5770) |
2.58MB |
10:39 |
Inyan of Learning Deep Penimius HaTorah & Sipurei Ma'asios of Tzadikim |
659KB |
2:38 |
Inyan of Making A Siyum, Seudas Mitzva, Simcha |
388KB |
1:31 |
Kavod Hatorah- Realizing & Appreciating the Torah & How vast the Torah is (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 32) |
3.00MB |
12:22 |
Kedushas Eretz Yisroel & Kedushas Habris |
812KB |
3:17 |
Ketores; Mikvah; Importance of Learning the Penimius of Mitzvos (5762) |
16.99MB |
70:42 |
Kivrei Tzadikim (taken from Shekalim 5770) |
663KB |
2:36 |
Koach of a Mitzvah- Yichud of Hashem's Name |
105KB |
0:20 |
Kos Yeshu'os Esah- Realizing the Ta'anug in Everything; Yesod of Wine & Shabbos Kiddush; Chanuka |
955KB |
3:52 |
Last night of Yeshiva (5764) |
7.52MB |
31:13 |
L'chatchilah Aribar- Just Do & Dont Wait |
152KB |
0:32 |
Learning Bekius before Iyun (taken from M.E.P. Beshalach, 5770) |
2.64MB |
10:52 |
Learning Halacha Properly; R' Moshe & R' Shlomo Zalman (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 23) |
1.18MB |
4:48 |
Learning Halacha with D'veikus (taken from M.A. Naso, 1st Piece, 5772) |
1.90MB |
7:49 |
Learning Torah & Chiddushei Torah with Humility & Feeling you're inside Hashem's Palace (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 27) |
1.20MB |
4:54 |
Learning Torah Must be Together with Ohr & Connection to Hashem (taken from Lag B'omer 5774- Yesod of Reb Shimon) |
2.01MB |
8:22 |
Learning Torah with Ahavah & Yirah; Torah is Aish & Mayim (taken from M.E.P. Vayigash, 5770) |
5.03MB |
20:48 |
Living B'kevius & Bilti Mishtaneh in Avodas Hashem; Shabbos, Torah, & Milah (taken from M.E.P. Vayigash, 5771) |
5.23MB |
21:40 |
Living with Emes & Temimius without Cheshbonos (taken from M.A. Bechukosai, 2nd Piece, 5772) |
9.09MB |
37:47 |
Living with Hashem- The Biggest Kiddush Hashem Everyone can Make (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 12) |
2.10MB |
8:39 |
Living with Hecherkeit & in Another World & Fighting Amalek (taken from M.A. Beshalach, 1st Piece, 5772) |
1.36MB |
5:33 |
Meseches Horios- Rebbi Gamliel & Meseches Uktzin |
436KB |
1:42 |
Meseches Sanhedrin (& Perek Hachelek)- The Koach of Sanhedrin can put a Yid in Olam Habah |
318KB |
1:13 |
Meseches Sanhedrin- Making Din into Rachamim |
1.91MB |
7:52 |
Meseches Shabbos begins with Yetzios Hashabbos |
203KB |
0:44 |
Meseches Shavuous- Makkos, Shavuous & Avodah Zarah |
835KB |
3:22 |
Meseches Shavuous- Tuma'as Mikdash V'kadashav- We Have Control (taken from Mattos-Massei 5770 & Yom Kippur 5770) |
4.36MB |
18:02 |
Mikvah & Rosh Hashanah- Feeling a New Life & Always Connected to Hashem (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 78) |
775KB |
3:05 |
Milah & the Eight Day, Eliyahu Malach Habris- Halacha V'ein Morin Kein (taken from Shemini 5770) |
1.43MB |
5:51 |
Mishnayos Kodashim- First Mishnah of Korbanos Lishmah except Pesach & Chattos |
448KB |
1:45 |
Only Ruchniyus Brings us to Menucha; Yesod of Purim & Shabbos (5774) |
2.69MB |
11:12 |
P'nimius of a Shtreimel- Turning everything into the Rosh, Brining Malchus to Keser |
525KB |
2:05 |
Proper Outlook on Chumros & Searching for an Esrog Properly (taken from M.E.P. Devarim 5770) |
2.46MB |
10:06 |
Purim Seudah 5770- Rav Zucker giving Talmidim Brachos mixed with Torah; Making Brachos |
1.72MB |
7:04 |
Rain & Winter- Living Shomayim down here & connecting Shomayim & Artez (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 21) |
2.11MB |
8:40 |
Rav Moshe Veber- Every Yid is Choshuv- There's no such thing as Katnus (taken from 38-Korach 5769) |
3.92MB |
16:12 |
Realizing we're in the Heichel Hamelech while learning Torah & in Life; Purim, Chanuka; Shabbos (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 27) |
7.70MB |
31:58 |
Real Yichud- Only Hashem's Essence; Yesod of Kallah- K'laon, Ish & Isha; Succah & Mikvah (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 78) |
1.67MB |
6:49 |
Rosh Chodesh- It's Greatness |
1.25MB |
5:06 |
Shmooz about Derech Halimud (taken from M.E. Lech Licha (3rd Piece, Part 3, pg. 42), 5762) |
5.57MB |
23:07 |
Stories of Different Tzadikim; Gadlus of the Amshinover & Lubavitcher Rebba (Purim Seuda 5770) |
2.26MB |
9:19 |
Stories of R' Itcha Meir Morgenstern (taken from Pesach 5770- One Long Theme) |
862KB |
3:26 |
Striving for Gadlus (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 01) |
1.84MB |
7:33 |
Tan'aig in Avodas Hashem only comes through Bittul first; Shabbos, Tefilin, Chanuka (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 77) |
5.23MB |
21:41 |
Tefila & Yaakov Avinu- Taking Chayei Sh'ah into Chayei Olam (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 26) |
1.14MB |
4:38 |
Tefilin- Why Tefilin Shel Rosh has 4 Compartments (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 77) |
1.29MB |
5:15 |
The Chashivus of Geirim (5774) (some backround noise) |
1.08MB |
4:29 |
The Chashivus of Penimius Hatorah & Toras Arizal and Ba'al Shem Tov (5763) |
14.62MB |
60:49 |
The Chashivus of the Ruins of Yidin |
274KB |
1:02 |
The Danger of Hisnagdus towards Tzadikim (Lubavitcher Rebba) & More (taken from M.E. Vayeira (5th & 6th Piece, 5762) |
15.54MB |
64:38 |
The Gadlus of a Simple & Temimos-dika Yid; R' Moshe Veber (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 24) |
1.84MB |
7:34 |
The Great Simcha of a Chasunah- No Separations between Us & Hashem (5773) |
2.31MB |
9:36 |
The Koach of the Mikvah- Becoming One; Mikvah before Lighting the Menorah |
1.12MB |
4:34 |
The Real Yirah of Yitzchak Avinu (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 78) |
234KB |
0:49 |
There's Always a Hisnagdus to Something Chosuv; Avodah of Tzadikim- Breaking Through; Chashivus of the Lubavitcher Rebba |
2.00MB |
8:13 |
There's no Preida in Torah- Torah Creates a Real Connection (5763) |
1.88MB |
7:44 |
The Shechina in Galus- Dibbur & Tefilla without Machshova; Ester Hamalka (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 61) |
1.28MB |
5:14 |
The Uniquness of Bread & a Seudah; Saying Divrei Torah by a Meal |
1.21MB |
4:56 |
The Yesod of a Drosha- Ruchnius-dicka Zivug; Ben Azai (taken from M.E.P. Shemos (3rd Piece), 5770) |
645KB |
2:35 |
The Yesod of Tefilin- Everything is Hashem's |
220KB |
0:49 |
The Yesod of Yirah before Ahavah; Succos & Rain; Torah with Hisbatlus & reaching the Yesod (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 62) |
3.70MB |
15:17 |
This World is the Beis Hashem & Standing before the King |
1.85MB |
7:36 |
Torah Lishmah- Learning Torah with Hashem & Getting the P'shat Clear (taken from M.E.P. Chukas, 5770) |
960KB |
3:53 |
Toras Hachasidus- Seeing & Connecting to Hashem in the Torah (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 80) |
330KB |
1:13 |
Tzadikim- Connecting to them & Respecting Them (taken from M.E.P. Shemos (3rd Piece), 5770) |
673KB |
2:39 |
Tzadikim have the Koach to see everything in the Torah |
398KB |
1:33 |
Tzadikim know when there's an Eis Ratzon to Daven (Amchinover Rebba) |
369KB |
1:26 |
Vort from Reb Tzadok on Yediah & Bechira; Purim (taken from M.A. Vayeitzei, 1st Piece, 5772) |
1.31MB |
5:20 |
Vort on Baba Basra- Yaakov Avinu |
534KB |
2:07 |
Vort on Gadlus of a Talmid Chacham |
2.91MB |
12:00 |
What to say to a 3 yr old who asks where's hashem |
738KB |
2:58 |
Yaakov Avinu & the Name of Yaakov (taken from M.A. Vayeitzei, 1st Piece, 5772) |
570KB |
2:16 |
Yartzheits in Chodesh Av & Sisrei Torah (taken from M.E.P. Chukas, 5770) |
165KB |
0:35 |
Yearning for the Beis Hamikdash Through Saying & Learning Korbanos & Appreciating Avodas Hashem (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 15) |
2.32MB |
9:33 |
Yediah & Bechirah- One Master Plan; Purim, Ad D'lo Yoda'ah; Keser & Malchus |
12.16MB |
50:33 |
Yesod of a Bar Mitzvah & Tefillin- Creating a Bond with Hashem (Parshas Yisro & Mishpatim 5773) |
5.02MB |
20:54 |
Yesod of Asher Yotzar; Shalom Bayis & Ishto K'Gufo- Making a Yichud between Shomayim & Artez (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 67) |
1.24MB |
5:03 |
Yesod of Breaking a Kli under the Chuppah- Balancing the Ohr & Kli Properly (taken from Lag B'omer 5774- Yesod of Reb Shimon) |
1.23MB |
5:08 |
Yesod of Bris Milah (5765) |
9.57MB |
39:45 |
Yesod of Bris Milah- Becoming Kadosh through Being an Eved Hashem; Gadol Hametzu'vah V'oseh (Shemos 5773) |
8.66MB |
36:05 |
Yesod of Bris Milah- Becoming Kadosh through Being an Eved Hashem; Gadol Hametzu'vah V'oseh (Shemos 5773)- Yiddish |
2.88MB |
12:00 |
Yesod of Bris Milah- Living Every Moment with Kabalas Malchus Shomayim (5773) |
4.01MB |
16:42 |
Yesod of Bris Milah- Living Every Moment with Kabalas Malchus Shomayim (5773)- Yiddish |
1.96MB |
8:10 |
Yesod of Da'as- Connecting to Hashem through Torah & Mitzvos (taken from Shevat 5770) |
418KB |
1:35 |
Yesod of Dayanim & Meseches Sanhedrin (taken from M.A. Ki Savo, 1st Piece, 5771) |
793KB |
3:12 |
Yesod of Hakaras Hatov & the Beis Hamikdash; Chag HaSuccos (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 58) |
6.33MB |
26:16 |
Yesod of Kieruv & Teshuva- Every Bit Counts (taken from Rosh Hashanah 5771) |
595KB |
2:20 |
Yesod of Mashpiah & Mekabeil; Milah; Shabbos Kodesh (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 53) |
7.87MB |
32:40 |
Yesod of Mesiras Nefesh- Connected to Real Chayim; Avraham Avinu; Chanuka (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 78) |
1.16MB |
4:41 |
Yesod of Pesukei D'zimrah & Inyanei Tefilah (5762) |
6.31MB |
26:11 |
Yesod of Pidyon Haben- Bringing Kedusha on our Own (5765) |
5.67MB |
23:31 |
Yesod of Rain & Winter; Ikar Simcha of Torah; Yesod of Besula (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 65) |
1.31MB |
5:20 |
Yesod of Saying Tehilim- Bringing a Unity & Balance to Everything (taken from Lag B'omer 5774- Yesod of Reb Shimon) |
885KB |
3:41 |
Yesod of Shir Hashirim & Netilas Yedayim- Always feeling connected to Hashem (taken from M.E.L. Shiur 30) |
3.38MB |
13:59 |
Yesod of Simcha (taken from Yediah & Bechira, Purim 5771 Shiur) |
570KB |
2:13 |
Yesod of the Eimurim of the Korbanos- Sending back Hashem's Chelek |
1.54MB |
6:19 |
Yesod of the Ten Sefiros with Keser & Malchus (taken from M.A. Bechukosai, 2nd Piece, 5772) |
3.24MB |
13:23 |
Yesod of the Yud Kei without the Vav Kei- A Constant Yichud & Connection with Hashem |
694KB |
2:47 |
Yesof of Milah- Our Innermost Connection with Hashem without Da'as (taken from Pesach 5771) |
543KB |
2:09 |
Yud Tes Kisleiv 5771- Spreading Kedusha & Torah Everywhere (taken from M.E.P. Vayeishev) |
2.01MB |
8:13 |
Zechus of being Amul in Torah; Bittul to Hashem (5762) |
12.88MB |
53:32 |